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Podcast Interview - The Tarot Diagnosis: The Somnia Tarot with Nicolas Bruno

"It was Nicolas’ haunting images and the diagnostic component of sleep paralysis that captivated us and made extending an invitation to be on the podcast inevitable. As we prepared to interview Nicolas, we discovered that his creative journey with The Somnia Tarot was not just a story of sleep paralysis, but also a display of resilience.

Once we started learning more about Nicolas, we became equally enthralled with his story and experience with sleep paralysis and how it lead to him becoming an accomplished artist. During our interview, Nicolas emphasizes that The Somnia Tarot, along with his other artwork documenting his experiences with sleep paralysis, were a personal way of turning something profoundly negative and terrifying into something positive and beautiful.

And this embodies our own work as therapists, and in this podcast. We seek to help people build something meaningful and beautiful, even out of life’s hardest moments. We have been deeply touched by Nicolas’ story, and his personal character.  His story is one worth listening to- even for people who don’t care at all about Tarot. - Shannon & Luna"

Listen to the podcast interview here